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If you've always wondered about the meaning and importance of your birthstone, you're in luck. Our Kleque & co Birthstone Guide displays each birthstone by month, so you'll never be stuck for a birthstone gift again!

January - Garnet

Garnet represents calm and is also known as the balance stone. It is related to people born in January, for being rational, responsible and persevering.


The garnet is the precious stone chosen to represent those born in the month of January and, consequently, the stone that marks the beginning of a new year. Its name comes from the Old English word gernet and means dark red. In addition, its name is linked to the word granatum, which, in Latin, means seed or fruit with seed, an association made due to the similarity of the garnet with the red seeds of the pomegranate.


​As the name suggests, the most common color of this natural gem is a brownish-red tone, however, garnet can also have other colors, such as yellow, orange, red, purple and green. Regardless of the color, from antiquity to the present time, garnet is always linked to the idea of ​​healing powers, protection, success, strength and purification.

February - Amethyst

This stone is linked to power, representing spiritual protection and its relationship with the divine. Many believe that Amethyst is also directed to the search for knowledge, contributing to increased concentration. In other words, this February gem is ideal for anyone looking for personal growth.


Amethyst is the birthstone for February. This natural gem, which is the most valuable variety of quartz in the world, is historically known and admired. She is quoted in Greek mythology, in the passage where Dionysus turns a white crystal into amethyst. It was once used by priests as a talisman of spiritual protection. In the past, amethyst was commonly used by royalty, and today it is widely used as a decorative item or for making beautiful jewelry.

March - Aquamarine 

This stone is known to have been used by sailors in ancient times. It is believed that the gem was used as a symbol of protection. In addition, Aquamarine is responsible for relieving people of stress and attracting inner peace. The connection between the stone and the month of March is due to the intuition of Pisceans. For many, wearing this gemstone also means being unique, or special.


It is believed that ancient Roman fishermen used aquamarine as a lucky talisman to ensure a safe boat trip and good fishing. Since then, it has gained fame as the stone of good luck on sea voyages. Currently, the delicate tone of this precious stone is also linked to the idea of ​​tranquility, purification, spirituality, clarity and well-being.

April - Diamond

A symbol of resistance and nobility, the Diamond is seen by jewelry as a synonym of glamor and sophistication. There are still other meanings such as purity, immortality or resistance to negative energies.


The month of April is represented by one of the most admired gemstones in the world, the diamond. In addition to its undeniable beauty, this admired stone is widely used for making jewelry due to its impressive hardness and ability to disperse light, i.e., shine. On the Mohs scale (scale that measures the hardness of minerals), diamond has a hardness of 10, which is the maximum value on the scale. For this reason, it is considered the hardest mineral known to man.


In addition to its beauty, rarity, durability and special meanings, another point that makes this stone so highly regarded is its versatility. Its translucent shine allows easy combinations with colored stones, enriches the most diverse jewelry designs and tends to please people of all styles. All these characteristics of the diamond make it valuable and desirable for the making of sophisticated jewelry.

May - Emerald

Known as a healing or joy stone, Emerald is related to physical and spiritual balance. It is very suitable for those who want to renew their energy.

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The month of May is represented by the precious gem with an incomparable green color: the emerald. It is not possible to state the true origin of the word emerald, but there are some possible options, which usually relate the word to the color of the stone. In Greek culture, for example, the name derives from the word smaragdos, which means green stone. In Indian culture, the name of this stone comes from the word marakata, a Sanskrit word (ancient Indian language) that means “the green that grows in things”.


Throughout human history, the emerald has had great importance in different cultures and has been a desire for consumption for centuries. In antiquity, the Greeks, for example, even referred to this stone as “the green goddess of all stones”. The ancient Egyptians believed that the emerald represented fertility and rebirth. Today, the emerald is among the most admired colored stones in the world, along with the ruby ​​and sapphire. She is considered a stone with powerful energies, capable of attracting prosperity, wealth, protection, health, happiness and love.

June - Pearl, Moonstone, Alexandrite

Those born in June do not have just one stone, but three natural gems to represent the month of birth: pearl, alexandrite and moonstone. Thus, it is possible to decide which option fits best with the birthday boy's style or budget.


More unique than the beauty of a pearl is its formation. Unlike the other stones that make up the list of birthstones, the pearl is the only gem of animal origin, formed inside the body of a mollusk. Generally, with a light tone, which varies between white, beige and pale pink, and with a delicate sparkle, the pearl won over admirers around the world and became a classic in the universe of jewellery.

If in antiquity the Romans saw pearls as a symbol of wealth and were considered worthy of a God, over time this gem gained even more mystical attributions. It is believed that the pearl has the power to attract prosperity, love and happiness. In many cultures it is also associated with femininity.

Rare and valuable, alexandrite is the perfect option to present a June birthday boy who values ​​sophistication. This stone was discovered in Russia, in an emerald mine. Historical accounts say that the discoverer noticed that it was something new when he noticed that the gem had a different color under sunlight and incandescent light, ranging from olive green to red.


It is believed that the name of this stone is a tribute to the Russian Tsar Alexander II and that the fact that its coloring coincides with the colors of the Tsar's army made alexandrite become a national symbol of Russia. Currently, this rare stone is closely linked to spirituality, the power of attraction, love and intuition.

Moonstone is a gem with a delicate aesthetic, white in color and bluish reflections. It received this name from the Roman historian Pliny, who was also responsible for disseminating the idea that the sparkling appearance of this stone changed according to the phases of the moon, a belief that was discarded some time later.


Ancient civilizations used moonstone as a talisman. The Romans and Greeks came to associate this enchanting stone with their lunar deities. In current times, the moonstone is not as valued as it once was, however, it is still much admired. In Florida, for example, this gem has been adopted as the official state gemstone. This event took place in 1970 and was intended to honor the landing of Apollo 11 on the moon.


Famous for being a source of mystical energies, the moonstone has a strong connection with the feminine universe and is considered by many to be the stone that symbolizes the power of women. However, it is also known to heighten intuition, increase our power of attraction and help achieve emotional balance.

July - Ruby

Many people claim that Ruby has the power to open new paths, with high energy. This precious stone, in addition to being very beautiful, is one of the favorites of people looking for a source of inspiration and creativity.

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The birthstone for those born in July is one of the most prized gems in the world: the ruby. Its intense red color has enchanted many peoples throughout history and has even been called ratnaraj which, in the ancient Indian language, meant “the king of precious stones”.


Since the most remote times, the ruby ​​was seen as a powerful stone, strongly linked to the idea of ​​protection, healing, vitality, success and love. It was once used to attract protection and to demonstrate power, but during the 17th and 18th centuries, the ruby ​​became known as the perfect symbol of true love, and was then widely used in engagement rings.

August - Peridot

The Peridot gemstone represents purity and health. Anyone born in August can be proud, because in addition to being beautiful, this gem is also related to protection and prosperity. It is ideal for those who look to the future with hope and live optimistically.


Peridot was the second birthday stone selected for the month of August, but it quickly became this month's main birthstone. Its color is always green, and its shade can vary between light green, lemon green, olive green and brownish green. Due to its color and its beautiful optical effect, peridot has often been confused with emerald and topaz, but even so, it has managed to make its presence felt in history and win over admirers.


In ancient Egypt, peridot was used as a talisman. The Egyptians called it the "sun gem", as they believed it guaranteed protection during the night. Among the most famous figures in history, a possible admirer of peridot may have been Cleopatra, who owned a famous collection of greenish stones. For a long time, this collection was considered to be emeralds, however, many historians argue that the jewels were made of peridot.

September - Sapphire

Those born in September also don't lose out. Sapphire is related to knowledge and loyalty. This is one of the reasons why the gemstone has an influence on people's professional lives. It is a perfect option for those seeking more wisdom.


The stone that represents the month of September is one of the three most admired colored stones around the world: the classic and elegant sapphire. This precious stone belongs to the corundum mineral family, being popularly known in shades of blue. However, it is possible to find it in all imaginable colors, except in red, because in this hue this mineral is classified as a ruby.


Since the Middle Ages, sapphire has had great importance in history and carries many meanings. Its blue color was associated with the sky, the divine and wise judgment. Over time, it became known as the stone of wisdom, but it was also widely used in various religions to achieve spiritual enlightenment and protection.

October - Opals & Tourmaline

The month of October is represented by opal and tourmaline, two fascinating stones. While opal can simulate the colors of the rainbow in a single gem, tourmaline can appear in multiple color options. With these two options, those born in this month will be able to choose between the uniqueness of opal and the versatility of tourmaline.

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The meaning of the name opal describes very well the main characteristics of this stone. The name comes from the Greek word opallios, which means "to see a change in color". There are several varieties of opal, so the predominant color of this stone can be white, colorless, blue with a milky appearance or even dark tones, such as red, green, brown and black. For centuries, this gem has been associated with good luck. Today, opal is believed to be a powerful stone to elevate spirituality, attract love and bring peace.

Tourmaline is a very popular gem because of its beauty, hardness (hardness 7 on the Mohs scale) and, mainly, because of its wide range of colors. For this stone, there are numerous mystical attributions, which vary according to the color. Black tourmaline, for example, has been used in the past as protection against evil forces and has established itself as a powerful energy protection stone. Green tourmaline, for example, is closely associated with the idea of ​​prosperity and pink tourmaline is strongly linked to love and emotional healing.

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November - Citrine & Topaz

The month of November is represented by topaz and citrine. Commonly, these two stones are related to the color yellow, however, unlike citrine, topaz can be found in any color of the rainbow. Both are widely used in the world of jewelry and tend to please those looking for a balance between quality and cost-effectiveness

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Topaz is popular because of the wide range of colors available. Among so many options, the most appreciated color is orange with a slightly pink tone, which is called imperial topaz. Another feature that impresses topaz fans is its resistance to scratches, as it has a hardness of 8 on the Mohs scale. This gem is found in several places around the world, however, Brazil is appointed as the country where the best quality topaz can be found.

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Citrine is a variety of quartz in yellow and orange color, ranging from light yellow to vibrant orange. It is considered the crystal of prosperity and is indicated to energize other crystals. Due to its sun-like appearance, it is believed that citrine has energetic powers capable of warding off sadness and stimulating happiness.

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December - Turquoise, Tanzanite & Zircon

Those born in December are honored with three incredible stones to represent them: tanzanite, turquoise and zircon. Although each has its own characteristics and range of colors, December birthday stones have in common the availability in blue color.


Tanzanite is an extraordinary gemstone found exclusively in Tanzania and is named after its country of origin. This gem is a rare and valuable variety of the mineral zoisite, which has a blue color combined with purple or violet nuances. In the mystical universe, tanzanite is associated with spiritual elevation. It is believed that this stone is able to connect us with spiritual guides and help in the process of evolution of being. In the world of jewelry, this gem is highly admired both for its beauty and its rarity.


Appreciated for millennia, turquoise is the gemstone that became known worldwide for its striking color. Its blue is so unique that, currently, it is common to use the name of this stone to refer to a color, thus, instead of saying greenish blue, the term turquoise blue is commonly used. From antiquity to the present time, this gem is considered the stone of good luck, health and protection. It is believed that turquoise wards off negative energies, opens paths and promotes the well-being of those who wear this stone. For this reason, it is a gem admired not only by December birthday people but also by fans of jewelry and precious stones.

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Zircon, also known as zirconite, is often confused with synthetic cubic zirconia due to the similarity of names. However, zircon is a natural gem of spectacular beauty and available in a wide variety of colors. Zircon can be found in the following colours: colourless, yellow, orange, red, brown, blue or green.


Some scholars believe that the origin of this stone's name comes from the Arabic word zarkun, which means "vermilion". Others argue that the name zircon derives from the Persian word zargun, which means "golden color". Although there is no consensus on the origin of the name, both options are plausible, as zircon is closely associated with these two colors: intense red and golden yellow. 

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